Sacmi Group 2008 result in line with 2007

Sacmi Group 2008 result in line with 2007

A 2008 to be forgotten as far as the world economy and all business areas are concerned.

Nevertheless, it is at times like these that the Group’s industrial solidity, its capacity to react to difficulties - and, above all, its capacity to catch the economic tide when it surges back – are severely put to the test. In this respect the figures speak for themselves: despite a slight drop in consolidated sales– which settled at 1,172 million Euros – the Group still achieved a profit in 2008 of some 15.6 million Euros and actually succeeded in increasing its net worth, which reached 541.3 million Euros, confirming the Group’s capital and financial solidity and its reliability as a business partner.

Export quotas, running at 86%, were also in line with 2007 while numerous corporate reorganisation plans implemented during the year achieved one of the Group’s prime goals: simplification and optimisation of its corporate set-up so as to achieve greater organisational cohesion and synergy. Yet what really made the difference – allowing Sacmi to look confidently towards a difficult and uncertain 2009 – was investment in innovative products across all business areas for a yearly total of 64 million Euros; that’s a staggering 48% increase with respect to the previous year. Two fronts – investment and corporate reorganisation – on which the Group will be fully committed in 2009 too.

The Group’s international organisation also goes from strength to strength; at present we are present in 24 countries with production plants, distribution and service companies. There are over 70 companies worldwide, headed by Sacmi Imola, and 20 companies on five continents offer local, fast, efficient and direct assistance services.

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