
A meeting to mark 20 years of Sacmi Forni

“Firing: balancing productivity, energy savings and environmental issues” is the title of the meeting organised by Sacmi Forni to mark its 20th anniversary. The meeting, to be held on 30th November at 4.30 pm at the Salvaterra di Casalgrande (Reggio Emilia) offices, will include talks by, among others, Carlo Marzi, Managing Director of Sacmi Forni, Giuseppe Miselli, member of the Board of Administrators and Gabriele Frignani, applied research manager. The presidents of Acimac, Assopiastrelle and the Ceramic Centre of Bologna will also give speeches. Afterwards there will be a guided tour of the company, which will offer participants a special preview of the new products that will go on show at the next edition of Tecnargilla. Sacmi Forni, founded in 1985 following the Sacmi Group’s buyout of 70% of Heimsoth Forni, came under sole Group ownership in 1994. In 1997, following the purchase of Eurotech (already part of the Group), Sacmi Forni made its debut in the whiteware and extruded product markets. In 2001 a new division – Sacmi Automation - was set up at the Salvaterra di Casalgrande plant: this division designs and builds machines and provides integrated solutions for tile sorting, packaging, palletising and handling. Finally, in 2003, Sacmi Forni extended operations to the brick industry by setting up the Heavy Clay business unit; consequently, it now provides kilns and driers for bricks and roof tiles.

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