
Pierferdinando Casini, President of the Italian House of Commons, visits Sacmi

“An impressive cooperative, abreast of the times, forward-looking, focussed on research and a major contributor to the country’s industrial development”. These were the words used yesterday morning by the President of the Italian House of Commons, Pierferdinando Casini, during his visit to Sacmi on the occasion of its 85th anniversary. Mr. Casini was a guest at the convention marking the start of the anniversary celebrations, an anniversary that the Mayor of Imola, Massimo Marchignoli, defined as “an extraordinary birthday”. The President of the House visited the advanced research centre and other product development facilities. He also gave a talk in the Sacmi Assembly Hall in via Selice, speaking to a packed audience of cooperative members, employees, members of local authorities, ex cooperative members and retired workers. The Chairman of Sacmi Imola, Domenico Olivieri, the Bishop of Imola, Monsignor Tommaso Girelli, the mayor of Imola, Massimo Marchignoli, the General Manager of the Sacmi Group, Giulio Cicognani, and the Chief Administrator of the local health authority also spoke to the audience.
The Presidente della Camera, in extending his congratulations to the cooperative, reminded his audience that “Sacmi plays a key role in the economy of Emilia-Romagna and Italy. The challenges of globalisation”, he continued, “require an approach that goes beyond speculation and brings together competitiveness, initiative and a strong sense of social responsibility. The cooperative system, founded on cohesion and solidarity, is a business model that interprets the spirit of our Constitution perfectly. Sacmi is an outstanding example of the values embodied by the cooperative movement and has succeeded in making the country both wealthier and more modern”.

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