Ant Foundation, Inauguration of the Sacmi Aula Magna

Ant Foundation, Inauguration of the Sacmi Aula Magna

The SACMI Aula Magna, complete with audio-visual facilities, at the new Oncology Science Institute of the Italian ANT Voluntary Foundation will be inaugurated on 11th November at 10.30 a.m.
“This donation is essential to the proper completion the new Institute headquarters, located in Via Jacopo di Paolo 36 in Bologna”, comments Professor Franco Pannuti, President of the ANT Italia Onlus foundation. “The Aula Magna, complete with control room, underlines the didactic nature of the Institute, committed to the training of health workers and ANT volunteers alike: it is a concrete example of just how productive cooperation between health services and volunteers can be”.
“Sacmi is proud to have contributed to the completion of this aula magna”, underlines Domenico Olivieri, President of Sacmi, “as it will be the training ground for many of the Association’s health workers and volunteers – those people who dedicate time, energy and enthusiasm so as to provide patients with oncological health assistance free of charge”.
The Sacmi Aula Magna, which represents the structural heart of ANT’s training program will – after a brief presentation by the Presidents of ANT and Sacmi – receive a blessing from Monsignor Ernesto Vecchi.

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