Italiansped extends its special load shipping skills all the way to Brazil

Italiansped extends its special load shipping skills all the way to Brazil

A dual challenge for Italiansped, the Sacmi Group company that specialises in international shipping and logistics. Last 15th March a major shipment made up of a high tonnage press manufactured by Sacmi Imola left Livorno for the port of Santos, in the State of Sao Paolo in Brazil. Here, it will be received by a major local ceramics customer.

The first challenge was posed by the vessel, actually a container ship, not specifically equipped to carry presses. Such ships, like the MSC Agadir chosen for the shipment to Brazil, are characterised by fast turnaround times (maximum port stays in the order of 24 hours ). However, Italiansped is a highly professional provider of complete, turnkey special load packaging and embarkation services and readily accepted, in agreement with the South American customer, the challenge posed by individual press crates weighing up to 125 tons.

And that's not all. The destination of this new shipping method will, for the first time, be Brazil. The project's success, explains Italiansped, will open up a new channel to South America. Another step, then, in the process of diversifying and widening the opportunities and services provided to customers in this area, one that will enhance the growth and development prospects of the entire Sacmi Group.

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