Sacmi in the front line in the fight for health

Sacmi in the front line in the fight for health

Ethics and social responsibility have always been a part of Sacmi’s business philosophy: numerous projects have been completed for the benefit of both the Imola area and emerging countries where the Group operates. Like every year, Christmas is just the occasion to launch another strong message, starting with the most essential commodity of all: health, and, by extension, life itself.

In Ethiopia health cannot be taken for granted: the country is in dire financial and social straits. And in that part of the world the word ‘recession’ puts the very survival of the people - who have suffered instability and poor prospects for decades - at risk. The numerous charities operating in the area include the Congregazione delle Suore Francescane Missionarie di Cristo; they have been in the country for 37 years, helping to give the local population a brighter future, especially on the health and education fronts.

And when, because of the financial crisis and the shortage of construction materials, the hospital in Wasserà (the project area in the south of the country) risked being cancelled, along came much-needed help from Sacmi, which has donated a sizeable sum to the Mission in order to allow quick completion of the facility and so alleviate the suffering and hardship of the local population, especially the women and children. A drop in the ocean of poverty that swamps the southern hemisphere, especially Africa: a drop, donated by Sacmi, that for some may mean life.

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